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MySpace Tracker

Way too many people think they can forward a message and suddenly find out who's stalking them on MySpace.

MySpace Tracker Works!
Body: Find out who's visiting your profile, displays picture, location, how long the person stayed and other data.

Displays records of anyone visiting your profile. It can display pictures on your profile of your current visitors, or show
how many visitors you had and how many are currently online on your profile.

Get it now for free,
Repost and get tracker

This does not work, yet I get these things constantly.

This is nothing new to complain about, but if you think about it a little more, it's kind of a creepy thing to want. You basically want a way to stalk the people who are stalking you.

Here's our discussion (3:17).

In other show activity...

A Harry Potter fan excited about some recent news (3:17).

I also recommend you watch and listen to the following tweak to the Lord of the Rings ending.

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