Stooksoscope for Friday
You know that saying about spending money to make money? You’ll soon find an opportunity to bring in more cash, though expenses will increase. Although, it doesn’t cost much to get a homeless guy to hand out your “Three weeks to better body hair grooming” guide.
It may be time to reset your course. Give yourself some time and space to examine recent events in your life. Punching that granny in the teeth for stealing your place in line might come back to haunt you. Kicking her while she was convulsing on the floor may have been the tipping point.
It's a great time to make amends with a buddy. Some warm and fuzzy influences ensure that you two can patch things up. Kitten calendars get you both misty every time.
Just because someone else is in a panic doesn't mean you have to go into a tailspin, too. Disregard if you have some kind of “Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers” type of scheme in mind.
Stooks Proverb: A penny saved is a penny earned, that you can then use as slingshot ammo for your enemies.