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Stooksoscope for Friday


You know that saying about 'all work and no play,' and what that imbalance can do to people? Make sure you do something that puts the sparkle in your eye, whether it's running through the grass, taking a trip, or loosening the tops of the parmesan jars at the pizza place.


Get out from under the scrutiny of bosses, managers and other authority figures. You need to have room to play, explore, and light sensitive documents on fire.


Put your money where your mouth is. If you’re not really poor, you’ll usually lose that game. No cheating with a cashier’s check, either.


Be a little whimsical. Skip to the mailbox. Wear a funny hat during lunch. But beware: some mistake your whimsicalness for gayness.

Stooks Proverb: Jack of all trades, master of none. That’s why even famed one-trick pony Snuffleupugus is better than you.

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