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Mel Gibson says tequila made him act the way he did when he got a DUI. Am I the only person who wants to take a nap after tequila? By the way, the police searched the house of the deputy who busted Mel. They think he was the one who leaked the arrest report to the press.

Lindsay Lohan was leaving Paris Hilton's house when she ran into some photographers. They took some photos. Then, realised they got her nips on film.

"Two! Two nipples! Aw! Aw! Aw! (think the Sesame Street Count)"

Paris Hilton says a text message she sent to Nicole Richie started their reconciliation. Who would've know "69 2nite" was such a powerful phrase?

Jennifer Aniston just filmed an appearance on Oprah. People Magazine says she told O her and Vince are still together. I think she just said it so Oprah wouldn't lez out on her.

Kevin Federline is forbidding Britney Spears from using male dancers in her videos. If one d-bag dancer could steal her heart, what would stop another? By the way, K-Fed was on CSI, which I'm watching as I write this. Press the play button to hear his interaction with a cop on the scene of a crime. Man, I'm glad I kept watching. Here's an even better clip.

Grey's Anatomy's Patrick Dempsey and Isaiah Washington have made up after their little cat fight. Now let's get them a reality show.

Alec Baldwin tried to talk his way past a police barricade after that small aircraft accidentally flew into that apartment building in New York yesterday. Like most things Alec does, it didn't work.

"My brother was in Backdraft. That pratically makes me Chief of Police!"

Hasselhoff's wife says the Hoff only claimed a $60,000 income for the past year, yet somehow paid for $100,000 a month in credit card bills. Can you blame him for lying? Those pecks don't wax themselves.

Madonna adopted a 1-year-old boy from Malawi, after all. Amazingly, he already spoke his first words! "Uh. I'd rather stay here, thank you."

Angelina Jolie's driver hit a motorcycle while trying to get away from photographers. No one was hurt. She even read a book in the car while she waited for the police to show up.

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