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Anna Nicole's non-boyfriend potential baby daddy has a creepy website up as a tribute to the baby he says is his. All the baby has to do now is get old enough to read, write and understand symbolism and she'll understand his true love. It looks like Anna isn't in any hurry to get back to the States for a paternity test.

Mary-Kate's been spotted smooching on Ashley's boyfriend. It was just a peck on the cheeck, but in the Full House world, that's like dropping a Screech-like move.

Yesterday, word broke that Burke from Grey's Anatomy said "I'm not your little faggot like (name withheld)." I wonder if this is related: today, the guy who plays George came out of the closet. Classy.

Kazakhstan has been criticising Sasha Baron Cohen for his Kazakh character "Borat," even convincing movie theaters there to ban his movie. Now, they want him to visit. I would probably decline that invite.

Paris Hilton's been trying to avoid the screening of "Pledge This," her latest movie. It's supposed to be awful, and she wants to have as little to do with its promotion as possible. She doesn't want to hurt her acting career by being associated with the flop. Uh, Paris, I think Hollywood has IMDB, too.

Haley Joel Osment made a plea deal for his DUI/pot possession case. The only reason I bring this up is because the story reveals that Haley was driving a 1995 Saturn. Nice.

Remember how rare everyone said stingray attacks were after the Crocodile Hunter died? Some 81-year-old dude had one leap into his boat in Florida, that went on to sting him in the heart. So far, he's still alive.

Okay, there's a little more to the $3.5 million deal O.J.'s getting for a tell-all book about the murders. It's written from the perspective of "If I killed them, this is what would've occurred." That's messed up.

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