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Madonna wasn't that much of a blubbering idiot on Wednesday's Oprah, and it helped that O is on her side. But now, hopefully trying to keep things funny, Ricky Martin is giving is support to Madonna's adoption. To frighten even more people, he's even threatening to adopt.

Dr. Burke from Grey's Anatomy publicly apologized for being a moron with the biggest star of the show.

Naomi Campbell is still beating the hell out of people. This time, her victim was her drug counselor, who ended up with scratches all over her face.

David Hasselhoff's divorce drama is still in full swing, this time with allegations saying she used coke. She has to be on something to let the world's embodiment of a true man slip away.

In case you weren't frightened enough of Tara Reid's breasts, she's now comparing her areolas to goose eggs.

"Let's see if I can get you to puke."

It's being played off as a joke, but some think Kelly Ripa and Katie Couric are mortal enemies. She said Katie avoids her at media functions and will even move around name cards so she won't have to sit near Kelly. Regis envy for sure.

Lance Bass' boyfriend says he's been getting threats for being gay. Amazingly, they're for the time he spent in the military, not for robbing millions of mentally defective teenage girls of their man.

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