Stooksoscope for Friday
Are you secretly holding onto an old longing? Be careful -- if you let it sit inside you unvoiced, you could start to feel resentful. Emotions like those can start to fester, just like that Taco Bell bean burrito that fell behind your couch two months ago.
There's a part of you that loves chaos -- the more ideas, places and people floating around, the better. No, that’s not an excuse to drown your mailman in the bathtub. You’re the one that let your subscription to High Times lapse, not him.
Relating to another person and creating solid partnerships is key to your sense of happiness. It's time to look at the partnerships you already have and be thankful. Then look at the ones that need a little more help. Your neglect of Teddy Ruxpin has gone too far.
The stars say that it's time to get the teeter-tottering movement of your emotional state under control. Just because you feel like going to extremes inwardly doesn't mean that your outer life has to reflect that. Lose the handlebar moustache, already.
Stooks Proverb: