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Kevin Federline says if you hate on him, it just motivates him and then you better watch out!

Bob Barker's retiring from The Price is Right. He'll do his last show in June. Unbelievable stat: he's been doing the show for 35 years and he only had one real public run-in with a "beauty" on the show. That's impressive.

The head of Paramount says Tom Cruise became an embarassment for the studio. and that everyone hates him. "He just didn't turn one [woman] off. He turned off all women, and a lot of men." Wow.

The Hilton Sisters are such an act. They showed up at a club for some Halloween event (it seems Paris has been celebrating Halloween since September). Paris got up and danced and lip synched to her own song, while her little entourage was dancing around her in some celebratory manner. The normal people at the club said "Jesus Christ."

Uh oh, Tara Reid is partying again. I can already see it. Two years from now. Tara Reid on The View talking about parts of her anatomy resembling rotten roast beef.

In case you haven't been grossed out by Sharon Stone for awhile, she's now dating former NBA player Rick Fox. Get Kim Cattrall in there, and oil prices will spike to new record highs.

Axl Rose was bowling at Lucky Strike in South Beach. He got either visually and/or verbally annoyed when someone bought a Guns 'N' Roses song on the jukebox.

Angela Lansbury is doing a broadway play, called "Deuce." There are at least 12 jokes that could send me to Hell on this one. Like, maybe "Deuce" is about the first time Angela Lansbury's character had to have her diaper changed and ass cleaned as an adult in a nursing home.

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