Stooks' Man Purse
This weekend, I missed a key opportunity for some good video when some jugglers from K-State took a pen out of my mouth as I stood between them while they juggled.
Vowing to never let this happen again, I headed to Target to find a good bag for my camcorder.
When I was checking out, the clerk said "Is this purse yours?"
I'm already insecure enough about it without having someone ask me if it was my purse, so we asked our listeners what they thought about the man purse.
Harley guy with a purse (0:40).
My boss' man purse (1:51).
"I don't want to look European!" (1:18)
"Don't make me get me mace (2:18)."
"Can you spare a tampon?" (1:36)
"Don't store toiletries in there (1:22)."
"Your girlfriend could use it (0:47)."
No metrosexuals allowed (0:36).
"No man bags allowed. Period (1:11)."
"I'll make fun of you. But not to your face (0:55)."
Vowing to never let this happen again, I headed to Target to find a good bag for my camcorder.
When I was checking out, the clerk said "Is this purse yours?"
I'm already insecure enough about it without having someone ask me if it was my purse, so we asked our listeners what they thought about the man purse.
Harley guy with a purse (0:40).
My boss' man purse (1:51).
"I don't want to look European!" (1:18)
"Don't make me get me mace (2:18)."
"Can you spare a tampon?" (1:36)
"Don't store toiletries in there (1:22)."
"Your girlfriend could use it (0:47)."
No metrosexuals allowed (0:36).
"No man bags allowed. Period (1:11)."
"I'll make fun of you. But not to your face (0:55)."
Stooks models the man purse
Chris sees Stooks with his man purse
Chris looks like he's 9 feet tall.
Posted by Jen | 3:13 PM, October 02, 2006
atleast i have a BA man purse.
Posted by shua | 7:34 PM, October 02, 2006