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James Brown died. He kicked ass in Rocky IV. Apollo died in Rocky IV.

Oprah and Stedman are now living together. No word on whether Gayle King will be forced out of the bed completely.

Rosie O'Donnell is blogging about Donald Trump. Here's a line for Trump to use: "I'm surprised they make a keyboard big enough to accommodate Rosie's fatass fingers."

"I could fit FIVE Melanias in Rosie's fat ass!"

Donald has come to the brilliant conclusion that maybe the Miss USA organization should do some checking into the contestants' backgrounds.

Miss Nevada wants a second chance, and has a valuable lesson for America's youth: "Please don't let your guard down when it comes to being photographed,"

Michael Jackson might have bought a house in Vegas, and is getting ready to be a Vegas act. I think it involves singing, but who knows?

Michael's suing his accountants.

Britney Spears may do a show-and-tell with Vanity Fair, except the pictures will be of her kid, not her vagina.

Britney has been enjoying candlelit dinners with music producer J.R. Rotem., who looks like he isn't quite the trash Federline is.

Diddy's clothing line features a "faux fur" jacket at Macy's. Unfortunately, the "faux" actually stands for "dog." The coats are made of raccoon dogs. That isn't a very "PETA friendly" alternative, if you didn't know.

Nicole Richie was caught eating human food.

Fred Durst was caught bragging about hanging out with Lindsay Lohan. No surprise here.

Arnold Schwarzenegger broke his leg while skiing.

Carson Daly says he doesn't have a rivalry with Ryan Seacrest. Can you have a rivalry with your exact duplicate?

Martha Stewart has "thousands of shoes."

Angelina Jolie continues to be better than you: she spent Christmas with refugee children in Costa Rica.


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