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Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have a temporary custody agreement through the end of January. He can spend time with the kids from noon-4 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Britney's house. Federline translation: liquor cabinet! Cartoons!

Britney is still partying it up. Her vaginometer must be on high alert, though. Still no photos.

Britney's record label says it isn't dropping her.

Paris Hilton's Bentley ran out of gas, and a paparazzi offered to help. Once we can get some decent crotch-boil powered cars around here, she won't have to worry about that.

Nicole Kidman may or may not look pregnant, but she does shop pregnant. She bought a $400 diaper bag. Maybe Tom is coming to visit the kids.

Oprah Winfrey was the target of a $1.5 million extortion plot. Some dude said he had sensitive recordings of conversations with one of Oprah's people. Is someone blabbing about the secret Gayle King-Jesus Juice room again?

Tara Reid's ass, courtesy TMZ.com:

"Unintelligible Jaba-the-Hutt speak."

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie dropped $8 thousand a night on a place in the Virgin Islands. Sick of vacationing in poor countries? Or simply searching for a kid with a little more sophistication?

Save Lindsay Lohan, saved the world. Hours after her appendicitis, she was seen running around yelling out for "Michael." I can't think of what liquor that must be.

Lohan stood up Al Gore. Just a couple months ago she was talking about how Al Gore could help fix her.

Marilyn Manson's marriage is over after only one year. I no longer have faith in any marriage.

Donald Trump's prefabricated wife Melania is taking Donald's side. She says Rosie should read Trump's book. I'm guessing someone told Melania the gist of it, for surely she cannot read.


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