Stooksoscope for Friday
Saying something naughty can have such a nice effect. What's the harm in a little mischievous flirtation? The object of your attention will be visibly flattered, you'll feel an extra pep in your step, and your boss will have to rent a steam cleaner for the carpet in his office.
Coming up with new ways for people to get to know each other is right up your alley. You're appointed unofficial activities director when two groups of people meet and mingle. However, you might want to reconsider your drinking game based on the obscure TV show Forever Knight.
The usual won't do, and with good reason. Horse entrails are something you should eat away from the public eye.
Too much attention on a murky area could clear things up -- or it could make the issues under discussion shrink further into the darkness. It's your call. Trust your judgment; you'll do what's best. Just make sure you have a clear escape route after you throw eggs at Mr. Peanut, that cocky S.O.B.
Stooks Proverb: One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Just ask Clay Aiken.
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