Kevin Federline visited Britney Spears in rehab.
Courtney Love thinks Britney's head shaving was pretty cool. When Courtney Love appreciates something you do, that's your cue to get into rehab.
American Idol contestant Antonella Barba is neck-and-neck with Britney Spears on Internet searches. Pictures of Antonella on the toilet, fake-lesbianing, and boob-profiling seem to be helping.
With a simple two fisted grab, Tyra proved that American Idol runner-up Katherine McPhee's boobs are real. The only thing that would've made it hotter would be if Donahue took Tyra's place.
If American Idol weren't a damaging enough experience to the tens of thousands of rejects, enjoy American Idol Summer camp.
CBS wants to hire Anna Nicole's corpse judge for a regular segment on The Early Show. The segment would be called "Morning Justice" and will run from 8:20am-a week and a half later.
Donald Trump tried to stop pregnant Access Hollywood host Nancy O'Dell from hosting the Miss USA pageant next month, but NBC overruled him. Trump doesn't like the idea of a pregnant woman hosting the show.
Rumors about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie adopting from Vietnam don't seem to be true. But all this Britney-Anna distraction could help them sneak an adoption in sometime.
The FCC is fining Spanish channel Univision $24 million for not carrying the required three hours of education programming aimed at children. They're trying to trick the FCC into thinking the soap operas are educational, but it doesn't seem to be taking. I'm not joking.
Courtney Love thinks Britney's head shaving was pretty cool. When Courtney Love appreciates something you do, that's your cue to get into rehab.
American Idol contestant Antonella Barba is neck-and-neck with Britney Spears on Internet searches. Pictures of Antonella on the toilet, fake-lesbianing, and boob-profiling seem to be helping.
With a simple two fisted grab, Tyra proved that American Idol runner-up Katherine McPhee's boobs are real. The only thing that would've made it hotter would be if Donahue took Tyra's place.
If American Idol weren't a damaging enough experience to the tens of thousands of rejects, enjoy American Idol Summer camp.
CBS wants to hire Anna Nicole's corpse judge for a regular segment on The Early Show. The segment would be called "Morning Justice" and will run from 8:20am-a week and a half later.
Donald Trump tried to stop pregnant Access Hollywood host Nancy O'Dell from hosting the Miss USA pageant next month, but NBC overruled him. Trump doesn't like the idea of a pregnant woman hosting the show.
Rumors about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie adopting from Vietnam don't seem to be true. But all this Britney-Anna distraction could help them sneak an adoption in sometime.
The FCC is fining Spanish channel Univision $24 million for not carrying the required three hours of education programming aimed at children. They're trying to trick the FCC into thinking the soap operas are educational, but it doesn't seem to be taking. I'm not joking.
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