
Scoop – Paris’ hood fights back (4:37)

Paris Hilton is reading self-help books in jail. On top of that, she’s planning on ditching her friends, and even made a cell-made Father’s Day Card for her dad. Work those crayons, girlfriend.

Paris Hilton’s neighbors are a little sick of the attention and issued a neighborhood memo titled “Heiress Alert: Time For Action.” It looks like a neighborhood watch for Paris and her helicopter-flying friends. Paris passed out on a porch couch is as dangerous for small children as a discarded refrigerator.

Britney’s not a fan of these Billboards:

“I didn’t shave my snizz for this type of display.”

Delete your EVite: Lindsay Lohan’s 21st birthday party is off. She’ll look to get tossed in a more private setting than a Vegas nightclub.

Shar Jackson wants to sue Star Magazine for saying she received Kevin Federline’s seed again. She’ll even take an EPT test to prove otherwise. I think a simple sniff will tell if K-Fed’s “stank” has been that close to her.

Tom Cruise will play minister in a game of Scientology Wedding. I bet that job comes with a pretty cool mask.

Julia Roberts has a new baby boy. She still has the same giant teeth, though.

Someone went a little overboard on Tijuana Chicklets.

Motley Crue filed a $20 million lawsuit against their manager for lost revenues, bad career advice, and no decent videotaped lays for Tommy Lee in awhile.

For $125 grand, you could own O.J.’s acquittal suit.

“You’ll like the way you look getting away with slaughtering your ex and her boyfriend…I guarantee it.”

Hasselhoff’s ex has fired Larry Birkhead’s attorney. Apparently, Debra Opri isn’t qualified to handle cases involving a drunken, shirtless ex eating a hamburger on the floor.

Haven’t had enough? For more, minus the commentary, check out my Entertainment Feed on Google Reader.

Topless Double-Standard

Some woman in New York was arrested for going topless. Charges were dropped, thanks to a 1992 court ruling that “If man can, so can women.”

Do we need to change the rules for the rest of the country?

Topless Double Standard 1 (3:11)

Topless Double Standard 2 (3:25)

Topless Double Standard 3 (3:19)

“I can hide a baby under here, too.”

In other show activity…

Manhattan’s Raccoon Infestation (4:31)

Online dating for complete morons (2:14)

Scoop – Jacko robbed (4:07)

Scoop – Kathy Griffin assassination attempt (4:22)

Memorial Day

Thank God I’ve had the last two-and-a-half years to meet and appreciate the men and women who sacrifice their lives for our country.

Every time I hear a news report about another Fort Riley soldier killed, I cringe, and hope not to recognize the name. It’s a pretty selfish process.

While the rest of us take a day off to play in the sun, thousands of families are remembering their fallen sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, struggling to hold back thoughts of what could’ve come from a life cut short.

We owe our soldiers a thought, a thanks, a prayer, for what they’ve seen, experienced and died for. Whatever you think about the war, we have some true heroes in this country. They go over there and die for us, while we continue to live our lives as we always have.

God bless them and bring them home safely.

Transmitter drama

Well, our transmitter’s power supply conked out again. When you read this, chances are I’m on the road with my engineer, Randy Stewart, to pick up the new part from Quincy, Illinois. It’s 700 pounds, so it wouldn’t fit in a Priority Mail envelope.

It looks like a 6-hour drive, putting us in Quincy at about 9am, and hopefully back in Junction by 4pm.

Jeri Anne’s hosting a clip show for the listeners that can pick us up in certain areas of Junction City.

I’m bringing my camera just in case.