Category: show notebook


K-Fed has a Britney sex tape that he’s holding ransom. He’s already been offered $50 million for it, but he’s willing to be a good guy and let it go for a little less for Britney. Britney Spears wants to give away pictures of her second son instead of selling them. She wants to make…

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Show notebook

Ed Bradley from 60 Minutes died of leukemia today. Not even Mike Wallace knew anything about Ed’s leukemia. I really liked Ed Bradley, so I feel bad making a joke already. But you have to listen to Mike Wallace talk about Ed’s mom to CNN. Very odd “What did Wallace say about my mom?” Maybe…

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Rumsfeld’s Speech

I’m writing this as Donald is giving his Landon Lecture at K-State. Ever wonder why we applaud people for not getting divorced or for being alive to be married for a certain number of years? Why is that? Applauding Rumsfeld’s marriage skills. Obviously, this speech came at an odd time, what with his being fired…

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