Category: fun with words

Gank yourself in the face already

A friend sent me this line from his hotel. “They have amazing towels here.  I ganked one of them.” I went on to explain that I’d never heard “ganked” before.  He ridiculed me for a brutally late introduction to “gank.” From Google: Related phrases:   gang/gank/gangbang Definitions of gank on the Web: Destroying another player’s…

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What’s so bad about sucking?

Check out how the Kansas City Star treated the latest Jose Guillen sound bite. “We still (stink),” Guillen says. “How about that? We still (stink), simple as that. We still (stink). You got it. If you want to know the truth, you got it.” Parentheses should never show up inside quotes, but this particular usage…

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Terrorists are pirates?

The phrase “loss of lives and treasure” is a popular one in regards to the war in Iraq these days. What century is this?  We talk about losing “treasure” and the voting habits of “blacks and browns.” What happened to inventing fun new words like “Islamofascist?” Stolen by Blackbeard in Fallujah

Presidents and vocab

President Bush is a moron. Today, he talked about the national intelligence estimate, which said Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program four years ago. “I have said Iran is dangerous, and the NIE doesn’t do anything to change my opinion about the danger Iran poses to the world. Quite the contrary.” Quite the contrary? Do…

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Doctor Diarrhea

Google Trends is a pretty cool tool for seeing what the world is searching for over a given time period.  I subscribe to an RSS feed in Google Reader that delivers the latest hot trends.  Some pretty random stuff shows up.  For example, tonight’s 11 pm feed shows Habba Syndrome at number 13.   What is…

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Gay and Lesbian

A guy is gay, but a woman is a lesbian. But a lesbian is also gay. “Lesbian” just helps specify the sex of the gay without adding extra words. There’s a word specifically for men who are gay, but it’s not a nice word. How come the lesbians get their own word, and the male…

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RIP: What century are you in?

Ozzy Osbourne is playing the Sprint Center, and my mom asked “is he going to bite the head off a bat?” I told her I didn’t think he did that anymore. “Maybe he’ll bite the top off a bottle of Geritol, instead,” she said. Yes, it was funny, but I felt that Geritol was a…

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Waterboarding is getting a lot of press lately. Waterboarding (aka “water boarding”) is the practice of immobilizing an individual on his or her back, with the head inclined downward, and pouring water over the face to force the inhalation of water and induce the sensation of drowning. How could something so horrifying have such a…

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Another reason to hate Grey’s Anatomy

The New York Times is trying to give credit to “Grey’s Anatomy” for inventing the word “vajayjay.” It began on Feb. 12, 2006, when viewers of the ABC series “Grey’s Anatomy” heard the character Miranda Bailey, a pregnant doctor who had gone into labor, admonish a male intern, “Stop looking at my vajayjay.” I can’t…

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From the KC Star’s story on Kauffman Stadium renovations (bold mine): Also scheduled for completion: New bullpens, expanded dugout-box seating, expanded crown seating behind the plate, the removal of one circular ramp on each side and the construction of expanded vomitories to field-level concourse. I like to think I’m “down with words,” but I wasn’t…

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