Disturbing news flash

“Bird brains not as primitive as once thought” is the headline to this story.

So the next time someone calls you “Bird Brain,” smile, and say, “Thank you.”

Too bad. That was a good insult.

One Reply to “Disturbing news flash”

  1. Dear Matt Stooks,

    We in the avian-American community commend you on your efforts to combat public misinformation regarding our feathered brethren; however, we remain dismayed that you continue to fail to reveal the secret hiding place where Ramon hid the laser beam.

    While we are convinced that your recent efforts are sincere, please know that the feckless, placatory escapades of your colleague Yoleshia the Human Hat will not be tolerated. We also ask that she refrain from repeating her unsubstantiated claim that she is the “undisputed queen of neo-Asian hip-hop soul.”

    When I walk down the street, the sky parts and it rains Tiffany diamonds.

    In closing, we would like to remind you how much we enjoy your new blog and wish you continued success.


    Your friends at P-BAP
    [The Peanut Butter Awareness Project]

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