Revenge of the Guttenberg

One of our callers
warned us about Steve Guttenberg and Co. coming back for another Police Academy.

Is that a Bobcat Goldthwait in your pants or are you happy to see me?

By the way, IMDB omits Bobcat's name from the credits for the new movie? He has to be in it, otherwise it will be worthless. Sure, Michael Winslow can make funny noises, but only Bobcat makes funny sounding sentences.

In other news, "Craft Corner" returned to the show today with a fun new project.

"The Johnny Kaw Radio Show" questioned ettiquette for having company over.

Today's Daily Quote of the Day "'We really thought that Terri Schiavo was an attractive young lady so we named her after that.'" -Stooks guessing at what Brad and Angelina were thinking when they named their kid "Shiloh."

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At 10:07 AM, May 30, 2006, shua said...

One day I to will have the body of Guttenburg. Until that day comes i will be a sad, lonely man.

At 3:32 PM, May 30, 2006, kevin said...

i take back my comment on about your lack of visually stimulating content. i could not be happier with the picture of the young and verile guttenberg and the decrepid old hasselhoff from yesterday's post.


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