Online Only Content: That's Hot

***Parental Discretion Advised***

Chris and I went to El Tapatio for lunch today.

El Tapatio has a ridiculously hot salsa you can ask for, which inspired the following.

We had a couple of margaritas and came up with "Health Chat with Chip Rimaldi." Today's guest is Benji Homona and there's no way we'll ever be allowed to play this on the air.

Here's our behind the scenes creation of the bit. Beware: it takes us 20 minutes to get it right.
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At 5:44 PM, June 01, 2006, shua said...

I'm speechless... due to laughter.

At 9:12 PM, June 01, 2006, Mom said...

I too am speechless!



At 9:14 PM, June 01, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

Oh, great, of all the things for my mom to listen to and then post on.


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