
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were officially married before they ever arrived in Rome! They had to do it that way, seeing how Italy doesn't recognize Scientology weddings. So the wedding was just for show! You do not waste Brooke Shield's valuable time!

"We are now one in the eyes of Voltron."

In the new issue of Oprah's magazine: what to do if someone hears you didn't give them an invite. The correct response: "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I invited a different group of friends." Then, go on to explain exactly what the lucky group of friends believes in, and they'll know their better off.

Past the point of no return: Britney has dropped K-Fed from her MySpace.

Angelina Jolie's bodyguards ended up in prison for their little scuffle during a shoot at a school in India. They're out on bail, but they have to stay in the country for a least a week and could end up spending three years in jail. Or they can opt for the alternate punishment of watching Angelina make out with her brother.

For the second time, the power company turned off service at Anna Nicole Smith's alleged house in the Bahamas. She's also been served with a second eviction notice.

Nicole Richie is wearing some kind of healing, hippie-bracelets to help her aura. Actually, I think those are her dad's rings around her wrists:


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