
Hold me...
Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock are divorcing. He's seeking custody of her breasts.

Jesse Jackson has called for a boycott of the latest Seinfeld box set because of Kramer's racism. Can you guess what Kramer said in response?

Michael Jackson's pulling an Angelina, and lending his support to Africa, specifically, Rwanda. Can you legally molest children there or something?

Kevin Federline is on NBC's trivia game show 1 vs 100 this Friday. Hopefully they let him look good with a question about Mountain Dew or Ice Cube.

Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are chilling at Brit's house as we speak. But doesn't Paris' vagina turn into a pumpkin at midnight if she doesn't get some?

After six years, Richard Simmons is returning to Letterman. Dave must've apologized or worn a rainbow tank top to secure the reunion.

Nicole Kidman continues to look pregnant. She won't talk about the rumors, but her hotel will. They say her workout routine sure resembles a lazy pregnant woman's.

Lance Bass hired a herd of 14 goats to graze on his land for Thanksgiving. You should check out the sweet health plan they got.


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