
Britney's pantie-less tirade has scared anyone decent from hanging out with her. In fact, she's resorted to dating Brandon Davis, the guy only famous for calling Lohan a firecrotch.

Suspicious: Britney Spears went to the pharmacy twice Wednesday morning. Pregnancy test? Other health problems? Rotten vagina?

Some respectable news sources are asking psychologists to weigh in on Britney's pantie problem. "When you're in a marriage and you're controlled by a lot of people, you repress your personality. When all of that breaks loose, it's like the hinges come off the door."

50 Cent says Oprah
"started out with black women's views but has been catering to middle-aged white American women for so long that she's become one herself."

50 might want to think the same thing about Tony Danza. Danza's returning to Broadway to star in The Producers.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are engaged.

Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards' divorce is finally official. That'll free up more time for Denise to throw laptops at old women in wheelchairs.

The Enquirer says Nicole Kidman has put Keith Urban on a "short leash." "Nicole is standing by Keith, but with one big proviso — he has to dump his drinking and drugging buddies."


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