Show notebook

Listen as Rosie shows why she's got a job on The View, and I don't.

Tons of K-Fed news today. First, the last straw may have been when Kevin stood her up last Thursday, leaving her alone to weep at the restaurant. Monday night, Kevin was filming a special with MuchMusic, when he gets a text message from Britney that seems to break the news that she's leaving him. Ouch, dumped on text message. He was even talking about how great his relationship was just before he got the message.

Then, Britney shows up on David Letterman a couple hours later. Just for a second, showing off her body, then leaving.

Kevin's CD debuted at 151 on the sales charts, with only six thousand copies sold. You can even get free tickets to see him at the House of Blues in Chicago, that's how bad he is.

Britney's first father-in-law says she should have stayed married to his son Jason, that kid she got married to on a whim in Vegas.

Kevin Federline's friends aren't abandoning him. He's still got a couple weeks of supply left.

Nicole Kidman not only looks pregnant, she is! As the Enquirer says, "she broke the news" to Keith Urban in rehab.

A photographer rear-ended Lindsay Lohan at 2:00 in the morning the other day. That's Lindsay's third wreck caused by the paparazzi. I'm guessing this was after she taped her appearance for Oprah. Wouldn't that be great if Lohan had Oprah stashed somewhere in the car? And Steadman was cheating on Oprah with Gayle King? And Maya Angelou paid someone to install hidden cameras in all of their bedrooms? That's the stuff.

Michael Jackson's going to perform Thriller at the World Music Awards next week. I can't find a listing for the awards ceremony. I'm thinking only British people will get to watch the "World" Music Awards.

Fun clips for Thursday's show

From Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: A guy who settled for $500,000 instead of taking a chance on the million gets pissed when he finds out he should've trusted his gut and gone for the million

The following are from Dr. Phil's Wednesday show

The opening tease

"Urban Cougars" and "Sugar Daddies."

Dr. Phil says "I'm not sayin'"

Creepy 18-year-old girl calling her 40-year-old boyfriend "daddy."
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