Chris' last day

Today was Chris' last day, and we stuck with our Free for All Friday mode to say goodbye.

"A breakfast tribute to Chris Casey" (3:29).

"A woman wants Chris' help to get into the music biz" (2:37).

"The Harry Potter Fan" fan (1:33)

Longest Distance Listener Shua says goodbye (2:44).

"I bonded this guy out of jail..." (1:54).

The cigarette line at Walmart, revisited (3:52).

Going away joke (1:23)

"I don't know your names" (0:48).

Our last break together (3:53).

We waited all show, even saying "Fran, call us," yet the High Lady waited until the show was over to call us.

The High Lady's Farewell (1:49)


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At 3:40 PM, December 22, 2006, Stooks in the Morning Listener said...

Thanks to the High Lady everytime I see/eat Bagle Bites I'll be reminded of Chris.


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