
Britney Spears spent the weekend at Fashion Week, observing...not vagina flashing.

They didn't catch her drinking, but found Lindsay Lohan barhopping with Paris Hilton this weekend.

I'm not sure why we needed confirmation on this, but Ron Jeremy says he did indeed show his schlong to Paris Hilton.

An Israeli-Palestinian peace group is trying to get Rosie and Trump to come to their gala to put their differences behind them. Or at least build a fence.

Katie Holmes was caught wearing Granny panties.

Jennifer Aniston's nose job is now being explained away as a fix for a deviated septum. But what will fix her deviated heart?

Kiefer Sutherland admits he is friends with Andy Dick. Move over, Miss USA!

Jessica Simpson as the designated driver sounds pretty frightening.

By the way, it looks like Jessica is set to ruin Christina Aguilera with her friendship.

And Jessica was a little hurt when Nick started dating within three weeks of their breakup.

Chris Tucker's making $25 million for Rush Hour 3. That's annoying to me.


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