
Angelina Jolie's 3 year-old Vietnamese son's adopted name is Pax Thien Jolie. It means "Good peace" or something ridiculous like that.

Jennifer Aniston, obviously frustrated with Brangelina and their adoptive ways, is thinking about a move back to New York.

You can send your "thoughts and inspirations" to Britney Spears through her website. However, her people will screen your messages, so "keep spreading those legs" probably won't make it onto the site.

Britney's going through a case of Coke a day. Much improved from 20 lines of it.

And she may have found a new boyfriend in AA. Sounds healthy.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were caught looking unhappy together at his son's basketball game, and rumors are flying that Tom's looking to "retrain" Katie in the ways of Scientology. Step one: toothpick her eyes open to a screening of Battlefield Earth.

Martha Stewart spotted her sketch artist in the crowd for a taping of "Martha." Good eye.

Contrary to a Wikipedia entry, Sinbad isn't dead. Sorry to break the news.


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