
Larry Birkhead turned in his DNA, and only if he's a match will Howard K. Stern have to do the same. And if they both match, they'll rock, paper, scissors for the baby.

Hoff was clubbin' it up in Vegas again the other night, and fans bombarded him for a photo. Luckily he doesn't realize the photos are surely for comedic purposes.

Michael Jackson went on one of his legendary shopping sprees in London. I'm not sure if he passed their credit check, though.

A woman has gone on a hunger strike until Sanjaya is voted off American Idol. Maybe it was her daughter crying her ass off during the show Tuesday.

Nicole Richie collapsed on the set of The Simple Life last week. Her health problems have been tying up production and driving Chef Boyardee out of business.

Sharon Osbourne could replace Brandy on America's Got Talent. Can she and Little Richard occupy the same space without a nuclear incident?

Naomi Campbell may get a main squeeze out of her community service. She was spotted with another janitor-type yesterday, looking quite happy.

PETA doesn't like the idea of monkeys hanging out with Miss Nevada. But we might get a new species out of it.


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