
Miss USA says she could be dead if it weren't for Donald Trump's intervention. It pays to not be fat or ugly to get Trump's help.

Salma Hayek is getting a lot of attention for the Supersizing of her breasts since she got knocked up.

Ripe cantaloupes

Jennifer Hudson says she isn't a diva, at least not in the bad way of being a diva.

Vivid offered Brandy's brother Ray J a four-picture deal to direct porns. He's the one that peed on Paris Hilton's friend, Kim Karadashin, on amateur porn. If he's good at directing pee during porn, why wouldn't he be good at directing porn?

Idol contestant Haley Scarnato wore the same set of hair extensions that Katherine McPhee sported last season. The hairdresser said he washed them first. Give him a break. A show like Idol surely can't afford new sets of extensions each year.

Probable baby-daddy Larry Birkhead has a stalker. She even tried to get in his car. His potent seed is irresistible to the ladies.

TMZ is calling out The Simple Life for filming multiple retakes for what's supposed to be a "reality show." Do they expect the producers to keep all the vomit footage in, too?

John Mayer bought his-and-hers Rolex watches as a gift for Jessica Simpson. The watches can tell the time, date and the rising of the sun to prevent John from melting under its anti-vampire rays.


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