
Britney Spears lost 10 pounds in rehab...all in her liver.

Just before her toothache, Britney Spears' security pulled a gun on a photographer at a church. I'm still not sure what Jesus would've done if he were her security.

Cocky potential baby-daddy Larry Birkhead threw down some serious coin at Baby Gap. Maybe he's just kinky, not arrogant.

It looks like Paris Hilton is dating Josh Henderson from Desperate Housewives. Can they write his rotting genitals into the storyline?

Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton's The Simple Life taped a segment that has some screaming "Jon Benet!" Jergens stock just went up.

Star Jones went to Shaq's 35th birthday party. For the first time, she lost the weigh-in.

Diddy seems to have inherited Star's weight. Or is he just smuggling Barbara Walters under that shirt.

"You're kidding? Someone already has the name 'Fat Joe?'"

Jessica Simpson donated a minivan to a Mexican orphanage. She has been looking to adopt, but smuggling is so much easier.

Punk'd has been canceled. I can't wait until Ashton breaks it to Demi that she's been punk'd with their relationship.


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