Show clips - Free for All Friday

We're back to 100,000 watts today. Thanks for helping us get through this fiasco. Our engineer, Randy Stewart, is a badass.

Justin Carson leaves, ends friendship (1:43)

Jeri Anne's gay quiz (2:05)

Scoop - J-Hud's chicken wing problem (2:53)

Don't breathe on the transmitter (1:55)

Free for all - Everyone sucks more than you (4:05)

Free for all - Enough with the sirens (4:21)

Free for all - When our transmitter works... (2:59)

Free for all - Don't do drugs (1:23)

Free for all - "Stooks withdrawal" (3:35)

Free for all - What cops do (2:24)


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At 3:42 PM, March 23, 2007, JC said...

Thanks for everything! I couldn't say it enough...Whenever you need me to spoil the results of a game you haven't finished yet, Just hit me on my celly!


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