The Unisex Toilet

I went to Tomfooleries for happy hour last night.

The food was great, the drink specials were on target, but the bathroom situation was a little disconcerting. We sat in the fairly new upstairs area, which probably seats about 100 people, maybe more. One unisex toilet was in place to serve this area.

The unisex toilet is usually an option reserved for mom and pop gas stations in the middle of Kansas, not a place on the plaza.

Here’s why you shouldn’t have a unisex bathroom:

1. You don’t know if someone’s in there. You have to check the door handle, frightening the person inside, and possibly yourself if the door ends up unlocked, and Mangino’s twin is dropping a serious chicken fried steak bomb with the “hover technique.”

2. Women. They take forever in there.

3. “The Piss Notch.” That little notch in the front of the toilet seat encourages men to to urinate without lifting that filthy seat. This results in an even filthier seat. I don’t think the Piss Notch was meant to be a Piss Notch at all. Rather, it’s a “Don’t Touch Other People’s Genatalia Through Seat Interaction” Notch. Not quite as catchy.

A gaping piss notch at Tomfooleries unisex bathroom

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