Matt Lauer takes on Larry Craig

I just got done watching Matt Lauer interview Larry Craig. I don’t think Larry really won too many points with the interview, but he didn’t really hurt his case either.

Matt tried to put his “I’m a legitimate newsman” face on, but it just didn’t take. You could tell he was trying to catch Larry Craig off guard with some of his questions. Matt’s best line was when he told Larry that Larry’s dad probably didn’t take gay bathroom sex into consideration when he told his son to work hard when he grew up. I also thought Matt might get him when he said “what if you’re bisexual instead of gay?” Larry was too quick on his feet for that one.

Overall, I thought Matt wasn’t exactly Mike Wallace, or even Andy Rooney for that matter. Call me for some tips next time, Matt. In fact, here’s a freebie question you could’ve asked: “Senator, is it possible that at some point in your life you accidentally did a bunch of drugs, had gay sex, and forgot about it?” I bet that one would’ve got him.

And if you want to become a respected newsman, you need to start smothering Muppets instead of hugging them.

2 Replies to “Matt Lauer takes on Larry Craig”

  1. How awkward must it be for Larry Craig to use any public restroom now? If you see him go in do you have to wait until he leaves before you can enter? I think I’d wait. Unless I really had to go, then I’d enter saying, “Man, do I have to shit. And that is all. No gay sex for me today.”

  2. If I were him, I’d just go ahead and upgrade to the colostomy bag/catheter combo and call it good.

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