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Sweet ride, bro (pronounced "bra")

I saw a Chevy Impala that had spinning rims.

"But Michael, spinning rims will cripple my ability to TurboBoost." -Kitt

Just to emphasize how lame that is, my mom drives the exact same car.

This morning, we decided spinning rims:

1. Only work on trashy cars

2. Should have a version that looks like a banana flying through the air, a la the old DOS Gorillas game (click here if you want to download Gorillas for free for your computer).

"Now that's what I call a banana split!" - The last standing Gorilla

3. Should have a version that is me in an "X Stance," so it looks like I'm doing a bunch of cartwheels.

"Whee! After this I'll get the Skippy (dogs like Peanut Butter)!"


This has nothing to do with your post, I just wanted to pretend to be Louie Anderson for a minute.

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