Shopping cart violation
Here's a quick bit with Hansel, who has big plans for the K-State-KU game. It's under 30 seconds, so if you think it sucks, at least you didn't waste too much time.
The French-kissing bumper guy returned today, but he made a shopping cart his victim.
The French-kissing bumper guy returned today, but he made a shopping cart his victim.
Multiple captions:
The Ogden Community Center Employee of the Month
Wal-Mart: your photo, hair and dental headquarters
"I still have three good years of corn-cob-eatin' ahead of me."
Axl Rose thought he could advance his career as a woman
Frank didn't need Cialis, he needed a paper bag
The head stripper at Junction City's "The G-Spot"
"Take 40 years off her, and I'd do her," said the Manhattan Parks Employee.
Vote for your favorite!
I enjoyed the bit with Hansel. Esepecially his Wooldrige-ism at the end.
Posted by Wolf Buddy | 2:34 PM, March 03, 2006
I don't live in Kansas so I can't hear your show. I noticed the photo of the "lovely" redhead you have on your homepage. That looks like some gap-toothed, mullet-wearing, redheaded redneck in drag to me. LOL Is that photo legitimate or is it a "Photoshop" production someone sent in?
Posted by Mick | 4:50 AM, March 04, 2006
Yeah, it was. I played around with photoshop many times before. In fact, with today's computers as powerful as they are, it takes a amateur to digitally alter a photo.
Posted by Jeffrey S. | 10:31 PM, March 04, 2006
I don't know if it was photoshoped or not. I did a Google Image Search to find it. Apparently Jeff thinks it's bogus, but I still dream that it isn't. Remember: there are hideous people everywhere.
Posted by Matt Stooks | 7:53 PM, March 05, 2006