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What Presidents' Day means to me

Happy Presidents' Day!

Make sure you go hug someone who's met a President. I think that's what you're supposed to do.

Here's a little ditty I wrote, "Presidents' Day is lonely for me."

"For my next trick, I'll die when someone throws a towel on the floor."

i think we all know the real truth . . .

in real life, apollo would kick the russian's ass and rocky would be the dead one.

carl weathers was far superior to sylvestor stallone in all 4 rocky movies . . . i'm not counting rocky 5, not because it wasn't good, but because movies with AIDs stricken boxers don't count.


If only Rocky would have listened to the crazy black guy whose head nearly exploded by yelling that.

Rocky 5 sucked. Not because of AIDS, but because of terrible acting. Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are the only actors who've managed to become worse as their careers of gone on. I would count Pacino, but I'm only counting bad actors who managed to get worse.

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