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Will the real Blanche please stand up?

We played a fun game today, called "Which is the real Blanche?"

It infuriated our old, possibly German lady.

"I never believed in summer sausage. I like it all four seasons."

Changing themes, I went to Wal-Mart yesterday.

I didn't really do anything Saturday night, so I was in Wal-Mart at 8:30 Sunday morning.

I noticed an inordinate amount of scum in the store for so early on a Sunday.

But then I figured it out: scum don't go to church or bathe, so who else would be in the store at 8:30 on a Sunday morning?

Silly me.

Who's the weirdo that was calling up your station and doing that infernal moaning this morning? This following the "Blanche" deal...

Haha. Yeah, she must have some gastro-intestinal thing working.

Also to add -- Don't you think you can track that call though? Every call she's made, there's a certain amount of background noise coming from their end.

filthy old lady good stuff. I think I recognise Howard's voice except he went by the name Frank and was some sort of salesman not professional felater. ~Stu the gu

Every day's a holiday, and every meal, a banquet.

I think I know that wierdo that's calling all the time and I think I know where she's calling from. It's my grandma and she's calling from the bathroom. She takes a massive dump each morning. The background noise is the bathroom fan. I live with her. I'm cool like that.

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And the creep voice in the background? Is it an evil spirit come to take her unwanted dump to the afterlife of waste, in the land of Pootopia or something?

I'm not sure what that voice was, I'll have to email Mr. Stooks about it.

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