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Speed up!

We had some freezing rain in the area this morning.

Have you ever heard the "you grew up in this area, so you should know how to drive in this weather" argument? Not the one where you should slow down, but the one where you should go the full speed limit because physics don't apparently apply anymore?

Well, this guy takes that argument to the extreme.

"With just a stare, he could make a bucket of Extra Tasty Crispy Chicken cry."

i like your site just as much as the prewitt's. but i don't have speakers at work, so i don't always get a chance to listen to the audio clips on your website . . . i try to listen to most of them when i get home. and lately, the random comments that aren't funny on theprewitt have been bothering me, so you've got that going for you.

Well, I'm glad I have comments going for me.

I'll start working on some more original web-only content to please the "can't listen at work" crowd.

If you're wondering what Kevin's talking about, it's www.theprewitt.com

I agree with Kevin regarding the recent random, and unfunny, comments posting on ThePrewitt.com

Having a laptop with headphones plugged in has allowed me to enjoy the Stooks in the Morning clips. Is there a Coalition for We Want The Truth Now in Manhattan? Or would that question be better suited for Margaret Honeystein. I miss her. :(

Keep up the good work Stooks in the Morning.

I love the audio clips on your site. I am excited to possibly see more web-only content but would urge you not to cut back on the audio clips for those of us that can listen at work.

Also I would like to clearify for everyone that our sites are friends and not in competion we urge you to visit both sites each day and hopefully get a chuckle out of both. ~'The' Prewitt

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