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For Thursday's Show

Men are wearing women's jeans.

Apparently, it's the new "punk-rock thing."

They like them tight around the legs, and it keeps the jeans from getting tangled in a bike chain or a skateboard...since apparently this is a major problem.

Maybe if a thrasher wore the right size men's jeans to begin with, we wouldn't have this problem.

Around your lower buttocks, and hanging around your knees may cause some problems with your boarding skills. And now, they want to go the exact opposite way? They're switching from having the furthest thing from a wedgie, to both full frontal and crackal wedgies.

But for now, we'll go with it.

Check out the ridiculous stats in this quote:

Mister Poll, an online survey Web site, has measured the public's acceptance of the fashion trend. As of Friday, 45 percent of 2,131 male participants admitted they wore women's jeans, 20 percent answered, "No, but I want to"; 10 percent answered they never would; and the remaining 25 percent wouldn't sport them in public.


45 percent of men wear women's jeans?

Let's examine what half of all men would have to go through just to buy a pair of women's jeans.

You have to walk into the women's section to find the jeans.

Browsing around the women's jeans is creepy enough. Making you even creepier is the awkward back and forth glances you flash, trying to make sure no one is catching you being creepy. Making you pure sludge is the fact you'll have to pick up 10 different pairs to try on, seeing how you aren't familiar with what "women's size" you are.

No way.

Wouldn't do it.

Did you see the SNL skit called Mom Jeans. Your post made me think of that. classic.

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