Paris Hilton's ass was hanging out at a release party for Janet Jackson's new CD.

"Top that, Lohan!"
"Top that, Lohan!"
Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, is dating Lance Armstrong. He's also been linked to Paris Hilton. Honestly, who hasn't slept with her, yet?
George Clooney plans to trick the paparazzi by dating a different actress each night. Trick them into thinking he's a man-whore?
Uh oh! In this article, Katie Holmes looks pregnant! And in this one, she's lost an unbelievable amount of weight since she gave birth. In both, she's married to a freak, so at least we know they got that right.
There's an arrest warrant in Massachusetts for delinquent child support payments.

"This is some bullsh#*! In L.A. they let me pay in crack!"
Jude Law is talking about Nannygate. "You have to take it on the chin and learn somehow to hold your head up high and face up to it." That's what she said (credit Michael Scott)
George Michael just got busted while slumped over the wheel of his car. He had pot. He was taken to a hospital since they found him passed out. "He's fine and I've got him a McDonald's," his boyfriend said. I just got a bad image of them playing in the balls at the PlayPlace.
George Clooney plans to trick the paparazzi by dating a different actress each night. Trick them into thinking he's a man-whore?
Uh oh! In this article, Katie Holmes looks pregnant! And in this one, she's lost an unbelievable amount of weight since she gave birth. In both, she's married to a freak, so at least we know they got that right.
There's an arrest warrant in Massachusetts for delinquent child support payments.
"This is some bullsh#*! In L.A. they let me pay in crack!"
Jude Law is talking about Nannygate. "You have to take it on the chin and learn somehow to hold your head up high and face up to it." That's what she said (credit Michael Scott)
George Michael just got busted while slumped over the wheel of his car. He had pot. He was taken to a hospital since they found him passed out. "He's fine and I've got him a McDonald's," his boyfriend said. I just got a bad image of them playing in the balls at the PlayPlace.