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The Walmart Pickup

I was tempted by a hot girl buying cheese while wearing a Royals shirt in Walmart yesterday. I was too chicken to approach her, though.

This morning, we discussed picking up at Walmart.

Segment 1 - "I got my cheese and she walked out of my life forever" (3:33).
Segment 2 - "What about your grandkids?" (5:08)
Segment 3 - "Hitting on people at Walmart is creepy" (4:25).

"What's wrong with you, boy? Not a day goes by that I don't walk out of here with some serious tail."

my friend doug met his wife at a walmart . . . but that was in kentucky, so take that for what it is worth.

Thats gotta be the wierdest call ever, but i dont understand how some deaf person listens to your show.

In the "creepy people hit on women at Walmart" segment there's a call from a guy who met his wife there as well.

I don't get the deaf call, either.

are you trying to say that i need to start listening to your sound bites before i comment?

The way I figure it is this... a pack of cheese lasts what, two weeks? So you take a little time, then revisit the cheese area. This time, wear your Royals shirt (and make sure you have a little facial hair). You can even broadcast from the Wal-mart dairy section if you don't want to feel like you're stalking the place. And this time, make a comment about the Royals... chicks dig it when guys include them in on sports talk.

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