Stooksoscope for Tuesday
Variety spices up your life if you let it. Just make sure you have some Pepto-Bismol handy.
One of your greatest gifts is your ability to believe: in yourself, in possibility and, most of all, in UFOs. The stars just love your tinfoil spaceman suit you devised to greet the visitors.
A window of opportunity opens up, but it requires a little work on your part to find it -- it's not easily visible. Just follow the smell of burnt Tickle Me Elmo dolls.
You've been so careful about budgeting -- whether it's time, money or energy -- that you actually have a surplus. You can afford to share with someone, just not the less fortunate. You have a rule against that.
Stooks Proverb: First come, first served. But they close the buffet when Mangino is in sight.
By the way Paris Hilton got butt implants a while back after being named "worst butt" by some celeb. magazine.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:45 AM, October 03, 2006