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Britney Spears got paid $400 thousand for her little pass-out fest New Year's Eve.

It's quite possible Paris Hilton has never pumped a gallon of gas in her life. Before sending some photographer off to get her some gas, she said "how much is gas?"

Tourists regular gather outside Paris' house. Or they think it's a brothel.

Screech may have had a peen double in his little porn video. I'm guessing Elizabeth Berkley.

Anna Nicole Smith made the most of a photo op with Hulk Hogan.

"We should trade bras sometime, Hulkie!"

Nicole Richie went on a vacation to Mexico. I'm guessing she won't be back after finding no decent bathroom to vomit in.

Rosie did her typical boring Trump rant, but Trump didn't even drop her name in his appearance on the Regis program.

Angelina Jolie doesn't love Shiloh as much as her adopted kids. "I think I feel so much more for Madd and Zee because they're survivors, they came through so much. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I have less inclination to feel for her." Let's just hope Shiloh doesn't get her hands on this month's "Elle U.K." magazine.

Angelina also thinks Madonna broke the law when she bought herself a kid. Apparently you have to be with a man who hasn't bathed in 17 days to adopt a kid from Africa.

Nick Lachey isn't quite ready to ask Vanessa Minnillo to be his wife. I would hope he plans to do so before he stops being famous completely.


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