Colin Quinn is awful

He ruined Weekend Update.

He ripped of Politically Incorrect…badly. And that wasn’t a good show in the first place.

And somehow he still shows up on TV.

Find me one person who can even tolerate Colin Quinn. I don’t think you can.

Survivor Casting Call

Are you the next Richard Hatch?

I hope not.

But if you want to get on Survivor, there’s a casting call in Kansas City at Nebraska Furniture Mart this Saturday. It starts at 10. Click here to get the full “skinny” (I hate that word but that’s the first thing that popped in my head).

Get ‘er done

Why was this phrase ever popular?

I’ve heard it more since the move to Manhattan than anything else.

That’s probably the biggest con I’ve found since my arrival.

I guess that’s pretty good.

What’s that beep?

There’s some kind of random beeping sound in my apartment. What’s interesting, is that it only beeps once every half hour or so.

It might be a smoke alarm wanting new batteries.

But how am I supposed to find the beeping if it happens so rarely?

Should I just go stare at the smoke alarm for the next half hour to see what’s up?

Or maybe I should just burn the place down and see if the smoke alarm goes off.

To mace or not to mace

Can guys carry this?

I went into a bar in Aggieville and saw a guy with this on his keychain.

I laughed.

But then I heard that the other day a guy got jumped by two other guys in Aggieville.

I might start carrying a little mace with me.

But this is the kind of mace I have in mind:


Is anyone else annoyed with organized “t-shirt” barhopping?

This is where a frat, sorority or other organization makes up a t-shirt and goes from bar to bar.

They arrive in their groups of 20, destroy the atmosphere of the bar, and then leave.

Kindof like the arrival of Oliver on The Brady Bunch, but multiplied by 20, and without the ugly spectacles.

Haha. I just found a picture of Oliver as an awkward adult.

Pretty creepy. But not quite the crackwhore look of Cindy Brady today.

Paula broke my heart

Cry about it some more, you no-talent, sister-beating idiot.

Corey “I not only like to beat up women, but I like to beat up women who are my sister” Clark makes Scott Savol look good.

ABC is such a piece of garbage for airing that special last night.

By the way, did you notice that ABC was playing Corey’s terrible music throughout the entire special?

Jeez, what journalistic integrity you must have to agree to load the show down with off-key, non-catchy, awful-lyric’d garbage so the moron could attempt to sell more than three copies of his upcoming album.

The only proof of anything they had, was Paula Abdul’s message that they hyped up more than we hype up meaningless stories on the morning show.

Take a listen to it, but it’s pretty much Paula saying “the press is asking questions. I’m not sure what about.”

Ooooooh, what a scoop.

American Idol will never be the same. But that’s because Scott “I like to beat up women, but not my sister” Savol got the boot last night. Unfortunately the boot is lodged somewhere in his inner butt cheek.


Have you ever accidentally dropped something into the toilet and had to fish it out with your hands?


But have you ever accidentally thrown something into the toilet while you were in the shower?

I used up the rest of my body wash this morning, and I always toss empty shower products over the top of the shower so I remember to throw them away.

Should’ve known.

I threw the body wash over the shower curtain and straight into the toilet.

O.C. or G.W?

Come on.

Do you have to choose Thursday night for your press conference where you tell everyone everything that we already know?

And do you have to bump The OC of all things?

You better hope Ryan doesn’t grabe some of his boys from Chino for some retaliation.

Easily the biggest mistake of this administration.

Wife Beater

Whoops. Wrong picture.

There. That’s better.

And he’ll be back to wearing the beater after last night’s show.

Savol sucked so bad last night on American Idol that, if he doesn’t get cut tonight, I’ll gouge out my ears with a spoon.

Check out this not-even-all-that-high note that he failed to hit.

Not sure if it’s as bad as when original Idol cockroach Red Headed John had his voice crack on Crocodile Rock.

But at least the red head didn’t resort to beating up girls. Not sure if it was by choice or because he couldn’t take one on, though.

Live like an Egyptian

Have you seen the new food pyramid?

I didn’t realize I needed to have more stick figures in my diet.

With the new pyramid, you get to customize your own plan by entering your age, gender and level of physical activity. Unfortunately, less than 30 minutes a day is as low as it goes. I was looking forever for the less than 30 minutes a week option.

Go here to do your own.

But I think I’ll use the old pyramid.

How can I resist something that not only allows me, but encourages me to eat an entire loaf of bread each day?


Okay, so I was complaining about the police running radar in a new construction zone and within days, I get a ticket. My first ticket in seven years.

It was the day after my brother’s wedding, I was wearing my tux and everything, and I got pulled over in Kansas City.

38 in a 25.

I didn’t even look at the Speed Limit sign, I knew it couldn’t be less than 35.

I was wrong.

“You’re all dressed up,” the cop said.

“I know. I’m in town for my brother’s wedding. I’m not familiar with the area (load of crap). Do you have to give me a ticket?”


Maybe things would’ve been different if I would’ve worn my low-cut tuxedo shirt.

Paula not wasted?

Apparently Paula likes reading Internet message board about American Idol. And she sees that everone thinks she’s wasted.

I think the picture tells us all we need to know.

The fuzz

First off, what a stupid nickname.

Second, shouldn’t there be some kind of waiting period before you start pulling people over in a construction zone?

They just started working on a highway that I take to work each morning and they already had a cop out, at 4:30 a.m., trying to find people who were going over the ridiculous 35 mph limit.

Hopefully the new pope can take care of that problem, too.

Dear Scott Savol,

We used to think you were cool because you were Ruben-sized and looking like Corky but Idol let you advance.

But then we found out that you like to beat up girls.

Oh yeah, then there’s that part where you can’t sing.

Then the part where you’re way too cocky for your terrible voice.

So now we kinda hope you have a coronary in front of Cowell on American Idol tonight.

And please, squash Seacrest as you fall to your demise.


Matt Stooks

Name your restaurant Chubby’s

Kansas City’s Chubby’s is a 24 hour diner.

Lawrence’s Chubby’s is a bowling alley’s bar and grill. You know you’re going to get quality food at a bowling alley’s bar. I don’t know why they just don’t give up and sell gas station sandwiches, instead.

Junction City’s Chubby’s is a barbecue/barbeque/BBQ/Bar-B-Q place.

So, if you name your restaurant Chubby’s, you can change your menu at any time without changing your name. People except the name Chubby’s for any restaurant.

But I still haven’t seen a Chinese place with the name. Hmmmm.

You’re wasted!

That’s what The Donald should’ve said to Chris Shelton, one of his Apprentice wannabees.

This picture has my Abdul-O-Meter in the red.

He was arrested the other night for disorderly conduct.

Any guesses on if he advances much further on The Apprentice?