If it weren’t for SPAM, I wouldn’t have logged into the site to delete a SPAM comment, and you wouldn’t have had a new blog post to read. Aren’t you lucky?
If it weren’t for SPAM, I wouldn’t have logged into the site to delete a SPAM comment, and you wouldn’t have had a new blog post to read. Aren’t you lucky?
Dear Facebook, I don’t appreciate the ad you served up for me today. Your “targeted advertising” needs to make the girls in the ad a little more slutty looking before I fall for this trick. Have you learned nothing from MySpace on how to net some morons? Peace, Stooks
I heard it on the Internet that Barack Obama blew off American soldiers in Afghanistan. A friend forwarded an email from a soldier who said Obama didn’t even look at soldiers during his visit last week. He didn’t thank them for their service. Then, I remembered a thing called “Google.” I searched for the author’s…
A tipping point? A French court ordered eBay to pay more than $61 million to a high-end fashion company Monday because counterfeit goods were sold on the auction site. eBay hasn’t had good press in years. Buyers get ripped off constantly and are finding better alternatives. Craigslist is mainstream, believe it or not. I’m shocked…
I’m loving the placement of the “How will the Royals lose tonight?” poll on the Kansas City Star front page. You click through, and the poll is pretty classic.
Firefox wants to set a Guinness record for most downloads in a day with its release of Firefox 3. Go to this website to pledge your support for “Download Day.” One problem: they haven’t quite announced when Firefox 3 will be available. Shouldn’t they get that figured out first?
Dear News Corp, I know it’s in your interest to keep everyone stupid as shit, but do I really need to click 15 times to post a blog or do anything of significance on MySpace? The economy must really be hurting our boy Rupert Murdoch right now, otherwise you’d think he’d freshen this turd up.…
I setup an account at Animoto, pointed it to a photo set on Flickr (you can also upload photos from your computer), picked a song, and five minutes later this came out. You can make 30-second videos like this using your own music or Animoto’s decent selection. Extended length and downloadable videos are three bucks…
I’ve been using Twitter a lot the last week. I setup my account a year ago and never used it. Twitter keeps getting more and more buzz, so I decided to give it the full embrace. I love it. Now, I will try to convert you. Twitter asks “What are you doing?” Then, you answer…
I’ve been playing around with Pandora for the last week or two. Pandora lets you create multiple Internet radio stations. You start by entering an artist or song you like. Pandora will play similar artists and learn your tastes as you “Thumbs Up” or “Thumbs Down” songs. You can add more artists to your station…
I prefer Facebook (my profile here), but I have too many MySpace friends to let go of Myspace (profile here). Two particular things joined my list of Myspace annoyances this week. 1. The MySpace “Updates” box It notifies you of new comments, messages and blogs from your friends. This “New Blog Posts!” notification has been…
The Internet hasn’t gone crazy over Ron Paul in a long time. I miss it.
Watch as Red confronts Andy over 2 Girls 1 Cup. Written and performed by DB Hastily edited by Matt Stooks
From Slashdot: The Pirate Bay’s legal concerns are continuing to grow. Prince and the Village People are planning to sue the popular torrent site with the help of the Web Sheriff law firm. John Giacobbi of Web Sheriff has also asked Swedish band ABBA to join the cause. The suit is seeking “millions of dollars”…
Awhile back, we did a show on Santa’s Deb. Santa’s Deb is a Kansas City dog groomer, writer and owner of this van: Santa’s Deb used to have a website that had a really odd message from Santa. Santa talked about how great Santa’s Deb’s children’s books were. Santa finished his message “In Jesus Christ’s…
I moved my website to a new server and changed my blogging software from Blogger to WordPress. So far, I want to punch someone. Keep your distance. UPDATE: Yes, I’m aware that “WTF” traditionally precedes a question mark. However, in this instance, I felt three exclamation points were more appropriate. I am exclaiming “WTF!!!” I…
If you don’t have a MySpace account (my page here), you’re missing out on a whole different world of advertising. Screenshot. Sorry, you can’t play. It kind of sucks for the dude (he’s a dude, right?) in the picture. I’m guessing he didn’t get paid much to play the humiliating role of “Guess the Gender”…
Want to know something sad? I’m all giggly and mindblown that I can now chat with my AIM friends and my Google friends, all within GMail. I don’t need to have two IM programs open. This made my day. The fact that something this insignificant made my day makes me sad. So many conflicting emotions…
I’ve been on Facebook for awhile now (here’s my profile (membership required) (first triple quadruple parentheses on mattstooks.com ever) (not sure I did that right)). I love it so much more for what it could be than what it actually is. MySpace and Facebook didn’t get popular until I was well out of college. As…
Check out the top items in Google Trends for 10 pm Thursday. They’re all for lyrics. It’s quite the variety, too. I didn’t realize “Green Acres” was such a great sing-a-long song. 1. green acres lyrics2. soul man lyrics3. should i stay or should i go lyrics4. taking care of business lyrics5. if i could…
Google Trends is a pretty cool tool for seeing what the world is searching for over a given time period. I subscribe to an RSS feed in Google Reader that delivers the latest hot trends. Some pretty random stuff shows up. For example, tonight’s 11 pm feed shows Habba Syndrome at number 13. What is…
Check out those silly teens. More than four in 10 teens, or 43 percent, who instant message use it for things they wouldn’t say in person, according to an Associated Press-AOL poll released Thursday. Twenty-two percent use IMs to ask people out on dates or accept them, and 13 percent use them to break up.…
Gene Simmons shares his insight on the music industry. There is nothing in me that wants to go in there and do new music. How are you going to deliver it? How are you going to get paid for it if people can just get it for free? The record industry doesn’t have a f—ing…
Check out this headline from a discovermagazine.com story and the accompanying picture: This man wants to control the Internet. And you should let him. With this headline and photo, Discover is basically saying “Yeah, we know he looks like a complete douche, but what he has to say makes sense. Maybe you should listen.” Nice…
Since most of us are too dumb and/or lazy to figure it out ourselves, several websites let you enter your stance on different political topics, and spit out a list ranking the presidential candidates. That’s assuming you know what ANWR Drilling, Kyoto and Net Neutrality mean. Check it out here. It’s non-partisan and the code…
There are a number of ways people come to mattstooks.com. Most visitors have the site bookmarked, some come over from my MySpace, Facebook or YouTube pages. A few people come to the website through web search. Check out the breakdown of search strings that have brought people to the site this month. My personal favorites…
I do most of my email through GMail, but I still have an old Yahoo! address that gets some action. GMail retrieves the email from my Yahoo! inbox, but not the bulk folder. So, I go to Yahoo! and check it every week or so to make sure nothing important got snagged. I have to…