CNN grabbed a handful of undecided Iowa voters, gave them a rotary dial and threw them in a room during the Republican debate Wednesday.
If a candidate said something the voters liked, the voters would turn their knobs to the right, indicating a positive reaction. If a candidate said something the voters didn’t like, the voters would turn their knobs to the left, indicating a negative reaction.
Then, CNN mashed the real-time responses with the video and fed it to us as news.
Check out the negative reaction to Alan Keyes.
a. He was being a dick (my personal selection)
b. Alan Keyes is running for president?
c. Who let the black guy in the Republican debate?
This is such trashy news coverage. What does a viewer gain from seeing how a tiny group of people react, moment by moment, to what a candidate says? I can see a politician putting together such a focus group, but not a major news operation. Report the facts. “You decide!” CNN has turned into such a shithole since Fox News started kicking its ass. Note: This is not an endorsement for Fox News.
Who wants to smoke a bowl and listen to NPR?