2 Replies to “Show Clips – Shutting up the neighbor’s dog”
Matt… I called in this morning to say that a shock collar was in-humane, and I made a side note about Iams debarking there test animals…heres the link buddy… http://www.peta.org/feat/iams/fifi.html
matt… i’m totally with amy on this one. if you’ve watched my “zombie easter” video you would’ve seen how badly that collar hurt me, just imagine how that would feel on a dog. shame on anyone who uses one.
I called in this morning to say that a shock collar was in-humane, and I made a side note about Iams debarking there test animals…heres the link buddy…
i’m totally with amy on this one. if you’ve watched my “zombie easter” video you would’ve seen how badly that collar hurt me, just imagine how that would feel on a dog. shame on anyone who uses one.