Freaks are underpaid

While perusing Careerbuilder today, I stumbled upon this interesting position.

Ten bucks an hour? Do you realize how many hours of nakedness you’d have to pull off to make a living?

Poor nudists. Always taken advantage of.

5 Replies to “Freaks are underpaid”

  1. if you look at it from the perspective that people usually have to pay (whether it be fines or nudist colony fees) to be in public naked, it’s really a pretty good deal.

  2. But when you offer that low a price, you guarantee the only people you’ll get are nudists. This group is a little too comfortable with how they look at all times to be attractive.

    If you were to raise the wage, you might be able to coax some potentially attractive non-nudists into trying it out.

  3. Whoa, that’s more than I make at the station! I’m transferring back to Washburn!!!

  4. The ad says, “Start at $10/hr…” What sort of performance is necessary to get a raise? What if two people started at the same time and one of them got a raise after a few weeks and the other didn’t? If the person who didn’t get a raise found out that the other model got more money, that would be devastating.

  5. Maybe the raise is contingent on your ability to remain unchanged by cold weather or an attractive freshman in the front row. I do see the problem, though, DB.

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