What's the matter with Kansas?

Studio 60 debuted Monday night. Good show. I highly recommend. However, the show fell back on a Kansas joke implying we're a state full of hicks and dumbasses.

We asked "Why does Hollywood hate Kansas so much?"

Segment 1 - "I'm from Cali. Blah, blah, blah." (5:01)

Segment 2 - Kirstie and Don Johnson are responsible (3:28)

Segment 3 - "What about Montana?" (5:13)

Segment 4 - It's all because the Wizard of Oz! (3:23)

Segment 5 - "I like Kansas, yes I do!" (4:04)

"I haven't seen one tornado yet. This is horse crap."

Here's a fun break about rainbows (1:20).

The New Tickle Me Elmo: Pedophile edition (2:48).

This guy isn't buying one more Tickle Me Elmo (2:00).

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At 3:40 PM, September 20, 2006, Matt Stooks said...

Sorry about the late post today. I'm having "Blogger" issues.

On the plus side, I am really happy with the show we did today. Thanks for listening and calling in. We had a lot of fun.

At 9:34 PM, September 20, 2006, Tom said...

You're my hero, Stooks.


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