
Anna Nicole Smith is doing her first interview since everything happened. It'll be on Entertainment Tonight Thursday. She must have some new weight pill to push. Oh, by the way, she's in the hospital now for pneumonia.

Kevin Federline got booed on Halloween. He's living the white trash dream, of course they despise him.

Madonna says before she adopted her new kid, she offered to give the kid's dad money to raise him. When he turned her down, she took that as a sign that she should just take the kid instead.

American Idol runner-up Katharine McPhee says Nicole Richie should give her a call. She thinks she can offer her support, seeing as McPhee was bulimic for five years. And it'd help to get some tips in case McPhee gets bulimic again.

Uh oh! Angelina Jolie LOOKS pregnant. It's amazing what a small breeze can do for a photographers paycheck.

"Ah ha! And everyone knows black is a slimming color!"

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