
Kevin Federline is keeping up his regular visits to Britney in rehab. Let's just hope he's rolling tape again. Or is he? The Enquirer says he's been pitching a reality show about a clueless dad trying to raise two sons.

Before her first rehab, a clothing store's employees say she had staff watch her kids while she tried on various outfits without the aid of a dressing room. And we all know what kind of tripping hazard an unleashed Brit-vag can be.

A Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes associate's been busted shopping for baby boy stuff. Creepy.

An online porn rental company has offered Idol contestant Antonella Barba $500 thousand to become their spokesperson, double the amount offered by Girls Gone Wild for similar duties. "If you like pictures of me on a toilet, you'll just love SugarDVD's unmatched rental service."

American Idol's executive producer is taking on Rosie O'Donnell for saying the show discriminates against fat black people. He pointed to Randy and Ruben as examples.

Michael Jackson says he wouldn't change a thing about his career. Why would he want to? He's molested and molested and still gets paid $3500 to shake hands.

James Brown is totally neglecting in props for destroying Anna Nicole's "not buried" time. Seventy three days dead, and he's still not fertilizing the grass from the wrong side.

No more visits to Anna Nicole's grave for awhile. Too many people have torn up the cemetery. There goes my picnic plans.

Usher or Santa?

Whitney Houston is still running around with Brandy's brother Ray-J. She's 17 years older than him and has spent most of her life with Bobby Brown. I wouldn't take her up on that offer. Although, his porn tape is set to go on sale March 21, so he's not keeping it too awful classy.

CBS fired Katie Couric's producer for her piss poor ratings. They should fire her plastic surgeon next.

Paris Hilton has portraits of herself all over her house. It may be a little self-indulgent, but at least she didn't put pictures of Nicole Richie up.


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